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2020年06月23日 10:41  点击:[]

万韬阮,教授,博士生导师,英国university of Bradford教授,伟德国际1946bv官网,上海大学特聘教授。主要研究领域为:增强现实与虚拟现实计算理论与关键技术,计算机视觉与人机交互,可穿戴计算,图像识别与语义分析,深度学习,纹理分析与图像重建,三维复杂环境重建,大变形物体的物理建模与仿真,基于数据的纺织材料与服装物理模型,医疗手术微创手术虚拟仿真与应用,数字博物馆。已培养5名博士生, 在国际学术刊物和会议发表约100篇学术论文,超过46篇被SCI,EI收录,其中,17篇被SCI收录,3篇为二区SCI论文,2篇为一区SCI论文,两篇学术论文被虚拟现实领域世界顶级会议接受(ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology), Google学者H指数11,博士论文获英国纺织商学总会1996年度最佳博士论文奖,主编过两本计算机图形及应用书,获最佳论文奖一项,发明专利一项,博士后期间的虚拟服装物理研究被英国国家新闻机构BBC,新闻报纸,新科学家等期刊都曾报道过。担任过超过十多个国际会议执行委员会,英国计算机图形及应用学会执行委员会委员,任国际知名学术刊物Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory;Journal of Computer Graphics and Visualization副主编,任多个国际知名学术刊物论文评审专家,任多个国家基金研究项目评审专家,担任两界英国图像学会年会与英国计算机图形与视化国际学术会议主席(2016,2017)。


1.英国方面负责人,The Royal Academy of Engineering research exchanging award中英合作项目:三维地壳移动动态仿真模型与分析

2.英国方面负责人负责人,国际合作项目:陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目:汉唐服饰文化三维数字技术开发及虚拟再现与重建(2016- 2018)


4.英国方面负责人,陕西省委科技厅重点自然科学基金项目,基于增加现实技术的微创手关键技术研究与应用(2016- 2018)


6.Zhu Y, Tian L, Wan T. Automatic polygon mesh repair and simplification for three-dimensional human modeling[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2017: 1740077. SCI

7.Tang W, Sagi A, Green D, Wan T R. Cross-Platform Cloth Simulation API for Games[C]. International Conference on Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment. Springer International Publishing, 2016: 224-232. EI

8.Huang D, Tang P, Gong R, Tang W, Wan T R. A Multi-fluids Mixture Model for 3D Interactive Virtual Angiography Simulation[C]. The 29th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2016), 2016. SCI

9.W Tang, T R Wan and D Huang. Interactive Thin Elastic Materials for Virtual Reality Applications[J]. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/cav. SCI

10.W Tang and T R Wan. Constrained Soft Tissue Simulation for Virtual Surgical Simulation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2014, 61(11): 2698-2706. SCI

11.Wang C, Wan T R, Palmer I J. Automatic reconstruction of 3D environment using real terrain data and satellite images[J]. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2012, 18(1): 49-63. SCI

12.Shi X Y, Wan T R, Tang W, et al. A New Registration Method for Mixed Augmented Reality Environments[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trans Tech Publications, 2012, 220: 2649-2653. EI

13.Tang W, Wan T R, Gould D A, et al. A stable and real-time nonlinear elastic approach to simulating guidewire and catheter insertions based on cosserat rod[J]. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2012, 59(8): 2211-2218. SCI

14.Tang W, Wan T R. Simulation of deformable solids in interactive virtual reality applications[C]. Proceedings of the 18th ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology. ACM, 2012: 77-84. EI

15.T R Wan, W Tang, and D Huang. Real-time Simulation of 1-D Flexible Objects in Virtual Environments[C]. The 18th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2012. EI




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