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College of Computer Science began to recruit students from 1982. The college offers 4 Bachelor Degree Program: Computer Science and Technology, Digital Media Technology, Software Engineering, Network Engineering. The major of Computer Science and Technology is specialty major of Shaanxi Province, National “Training Program for Excellent Engineering” major and “Pilot of Professional Comprehensive Reform" of Shaanxi Province. The college sets up first-class academic master’s degree-Computer Science and Technology and professional degree-Computer Science.

The college owns rich teaching resources with 73 teaching and administrative staff, including 5 professors, 26 associate professors and 22 teachers with doctor degree.“Xi’an Polytechnic University Intelligent Clothing Design and Computer Innovation”won Shaanxi Province“Three Qin Dynasty Scholars”innovation team. The college has 1“Shaanxi Province Famous Teacher”, 4 school-lever famous teachers and 3“Hongkong Sangma Award Outstanding”teachers. Besides, there are several“Outstanding Postgraduate Supervisors”,“Teaching and Educating Advanced Individual”,“Excellent Teacher in the Student Mind”,“Excellent Teacher”,“Teacher Morality Advanced Individual”and other awards.

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